Seminar: Anti-corruption: measurements and economic effects
Anti-corruption: measurements and economic effects by Khanh Hoanga*, Hieu Trung Doanbc, Thanh Tat Trana, Thang Xuan Nguyend, Anh Quoc Lea aSchool of Banking and Finance, National Economics University,...
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Seminar: Credit constraints and corporate tax aggressiveness: Is bribery an effective way out?
Credit constraints and corporate tax aggressiveness: Is bribery an effective way out? by Bach Ngoc Thang National Economics University Le Quang Thanh The University of Wollongong Lu...
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E-PhD Seminar Series at NEU: Are co-opted boards socially responsible?
National Economics University E-PhD Program Seminar Series Are co-opted boards socially responsible? by Huy Viet Hoang Faculty of Agribusiness and Commerce Lincoln University, New Zealan...
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Invitation to Yearly E-PhD Seminar (YES2021)
As an annual event, it is our honor to inform you that the second Yearly E-PhD Seminar (YES2021) will be held at National Economics University at the following details: YEARLY E-PHD SEMINAR – YES2021 ...
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Nghiên cứu sinh Hoàng Phương Dung bảo vệ luận án tiến sĩ
Vào 16h30 ngày 28/05/2021, Trường Đại học Kinh tế Quốc dân tổ chức lễ bảo vệ luận án tiến sĩ cho NCS Hoàng Phương Dung, chuyên ngành Quản trị kinh doanh (bằng tiếng Anh), với đề tài “Factors inf...
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