(84) 24.36280280/6550; 6551 isd@neu.edu.vn

Lê Thị Thu Mai, EphD-2. Happiness and pro-environmental consumption behaviors

Happiness and pro-environmental consumption behaviors


Open Access. Article publication date: 11 January 2022




This paper employs the theoretical foundations for subjective well-being to examine the impacts of two underlying dimensions of subjective well-being (psychological well-being and social well-being) on pro-environmental consumption behaviors (PECBs). In this research, the moderating role of exposure to positive environmental messages on media in the relationship between subjective well-being and PECBs is also examined.


This research uses a quantitative research method with data collected from an online survey questionnaire posted in Facebook groups related to PECBs in Vietnam.


Psychological well-being and social well-being are found to be separate significant predictors of PECBs. More importantly, exposure to positive environmental messages on media was found to reinforce the impacts of psychological well-being on PECB but not moderate the relationship between social well-being and PECB.


This research offers a new insight for encouraging PECB from the perspective of subjective well-being. Different from the extant perspectives, which usually examine subjective well-being as a unidimensional antecedent of PECB, the authors highlight that subjective well-being can influence PECB in two separate dimensions. Moreover, this research extends existing literature by accentuating the role of exposure to environmental messages in the association between different types of social well-being and PECB.

Nguyen, H.V.Le, M.T.T.Pham, C.H. and Cox, S.S. (2022), “Happiness and pro-environmental consumption behaviors”, Journal of Economics and Development, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print. https://doi.org/10.1108/JED-07-2021-0116