(84) 24.36280280/6550; 6551 isd@neu.edu.vn


PGS.TS. Lê Quang Cảnh
Viện trưởng - Giảng viên

Điện thoại:

GS.TS.Nguyễn Thị Tuyết Mai
Giảng viên Cao cấp

Điện thoại:

PGS.TS. Bạch Ngọc Thắng
Phó Viện trưởng-Giảng viên Cao cấp

Điện thoại:

ThS. Hà Tuấn Anh
Chuyên viên

Điện thoại:

ThS. Phạm Thị Minh Thảo
Chuyên viên

Điện thoại:

ThS. Lê Thị Thu Hương
Chuyên viên

Nhiệm vụ chính: Phụ trách các công việc văn phòng; Công việc thủ quỹ; Các công việc khác do Viện trưởng giao

Điện thoại:

ThS. Trịnh Thị Thúy
Chuyên viên

Trợ lý chương trình Thạc sĩ Kinh tế tài chính (MFE 1+1); Hỗ trợ chương trình Tiến sĩ bằng tiếng Anh (EPHD)

Điện thoại:


TS. Nguyễn Hoàng Linh
Giảng viên

Lĩnh vực nghiên cứu:

TS. Dương Công Doanh
Giảng viên, Khoa Quản trị Kinh doanh

Lĩnh vực nghiên cứu:

PGS.TS.Nguyễn Vũ Hùng
Giảng viên Cao cấp

Lĩnh vực nghiên cứu:

PGS.TS. Trần Thị Bích
Giảng viên cao cấp, Khoa Thống kê

Lĩnh vực nghiên cứu:

GS.TS. Giang Thanh Long
Giảng viên Cao cấp, Khoa Kinh tế học

Lĩnh vực nghiên cứu:

TS. Lê Thanh Hà
Giảng viên kinh tế học

Lĩnh vực nghiên cứu:

PGS.TS. Nguyễn Công Thành
Giảng viên cao cấp Khoa Môi trường, Biến đổi khí hậu và Đô thị

Lĩnh vực nghiên cứu:

PGS.TS. Vũ Hoàng Ngân
Giảng viên cao cấp, Khoa Kinh tế và Quản lý Nguồn Nhân lực

Lĩnh vực nghiên cứu:

TS. Trần Huy Phương
Giảng viên, Khoa Kinh tế và Quản lý Nguồn nhân lực

Lĩnh vực nghiên cứu:


Nguyen Quang Khai

Topic:Antecedent of Entrepreneurial Intention: Empirical Evidence in Vietnam.

Supervisor: Prof.Dr. Nguyen Thi Tuyet Mai
Email: nqkhai1992@gmail.com

Do Thanh Long

Topic:Exposure to internet content and green consumption behaviors of Generation Yers in Vietnam

Supervisor: Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Vu Hung
Email: thanhlong7283@yahoo.com.vn

Phạm Thị Kim Thanh

Topic:The impact of academic aspect quality on non-posivtive student engaement behavior in higher education

Supervisor: Assoc.Prof.Dr. Vu Tri Dung

Nguyen Thị Thuy Ngan

Topic:Local government leaders’ traits and citizen participation in Vietnam

Supervisor: Assoc.Prof.Dr. Bui Huy Nhuong;Assoc.Prof.Dr. Le Quang Canh
Email: ngantng79@gmail.com

Nguyen Phuong Anh

Topic:Social Status, Culture and Bribe-giving Behaviors of Citizens in Vietnam

Supervisor: Assoc.Prof.Dr. Le Quang Canh. Assoc.Prof.Dr. Pham Ngoc Linh
Email: phuonganh.qtkd.ftu@gmail.com

Vu An Dan

Topic:Antecedents of deviant tourists' behavioral intentions from socially sustainable tourism perspective: a study of domestic tourists in Vietnam

Supervisor: Prof.Dr. Nguyen Thi Tuyet Mai
Email: pad61076@gmail.com

Hoang Phuong Dung

Topic:Factors influencing willingness to use debit cards among Vietnamese card holders: A transaction cost and rational choice perspectiv

Supervisor: Assoc.Prof.Dr. Vu Huy Thong
Email: dunghp@hvnh.edu.vn

Le Thuy Duong

Topic:Transmission of CSR Practices in Supply Chain: A Study of Textile and Garment Companies in Vietnam

Supervisor: Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Vu Hung; Dr. Dinh Le Hai Ha
Email: duonglethuy89@gmail.com

Le Thi Thu Mai

Topic:Sustaining the impact of intrinsic motivation on pro-environmental consumption behaviors

Supervisor: Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Vu Hung
Email: thumai510@yahoo.com

Nguyen Lan Ngoc

Topic:Dynamics of Knowledge Sharing in Professional Service Teams

Supervisor: Assoc.Prof.Dr. Phan Thi Thuc Anh
Email: ngocnl@neu.edu.vn

Than The Son Tung

Topic:Factors affecting Agency cost in listed real estate and construction firms in Vietnam

Supervisor: Assoc.Prof.Dr. Le Thi Bich Ngoc
Email: sontung2628@gmail.com

Bui Cam Van

Topic:Institutional Logics And Returnee Entrepreneurs: A Case Study Of Vietnam Information Technology Industry

Supervisor: Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Thanh Hieu
Email: buicamvan106@gmail.com

Tran Hoang Duong

Topic:The effect of profanity on the engagement between Social media influencers and online users

Supervisor: Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Minh Ngoc
Email: duong.th611@gmail.com

Hoang Le An

Topic:Team collective voice: An exploratory research

Supervisor: Dr. Tran Huy Phuong; Assoc.Prof.Dr. Phan Thi Thuc Anh
Email: anlehoang.alh@gmail.com

Nguyen Hong Hanh

Topic:Financial access amd the Global Value Chain participation of Vietnamese small and medium enterprises

Supervisor: Assoc.Prof.Dr. Bach Ngoc Thang
Email: hanhnh@hvnh.edu.vn

Nguyen Thu Huong

Topic:Adoption of eco-innovation by agricultural co-operatives in Vietnam

Supervisor: Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Thanh Ha
Email: huongnt@hvnh.edu.vn

Dao Bui Trung Kien

Topic:Monetary Policy and Equilibrium Indeterminacy in Vietnam: Insights from Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium models

Supervisor: Prof.Dr. Le Quoc Hoi
Email: daobuikt@gmail.com

Bui Thi Hoang Mai

Topic:Optimal economic restructuring for reducing carbon emission intensity

Supervisor: Assoc.Prof.Dr. Le Quang Canh
Email: buihoangmai@gmail.com

Nguyen Hoang Minh

Topic:Socioeconomics antecedents, social disorganization, and corruption in Vietnam

Supervisor: Assoc.Prof.Dr. Le Quang Canh
Email: hoangminh@ktpt.edu.vn

Nguyen Van Anh

Topic:Afterlife beliefs and impulsive byuing as a coping behavior to pandemic

Supervisor: Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Vu Hung
Email: anhnv.pr84@gmail.com

Nguyen Bao Ngoc

Topic:An investigation into inconspicuous luxury consumption in Vietnam

Supervisor: Prof.Dr. Nguyen Thi Tuyet Mai
Email: nguyenbaongoc23091991@gmail.com

Nguyen Thi Thu Trang

Topic:Attitude-Intention-Behaviour gap in organic food purchase

Supervisor: Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Thi Phuong Linh
Email: thutrang07041986@gmail.com

Do Thi Ha Anh

Topic:"Renewable Energy Policies, Governance Quality and Economic Growth"

Supervisor: Assoc.Prof.Dr. Le Quang Canh
Email: dothihaanh@apd.edu.vn

Dinh Thuy Dung

Topic:Developing a model of sustainability-oriented Developing a model of sustainable-oriented factors affecting the project management process of construction project in Vietnam

Supervisor: Assoc.Prof.Dr. Ho Dinh Bao, Assoc.Prof.Dr. Luu Truong Van
Email: dtdung@neu.edu.vn

Nguyen Ngoc Hien

Topic:The influence of Corporate Social Responsibility on worker turnover cost:: the role of symbolic image dimensions of employer image and unemployment rate

Supervisor: Assoc.Prof.Dr. Vu Hoang Ngan
Email: ngochien.hnvn@gmail.com

Nguyen Thuy Chinh

Topic:"How values influence voice under uncertainty: a study of Vietnamese workers"

Supervisor: Dr. Tran Huy Phuong
Email: nguyen.chinh@isneu.org

Hoang Tuan Dung

Topic:Study on the customer journey's touchpoints that influence the decisions to use education service

Supervisor: Prof.Dr. Nguyen Thi Tuyet Mai
Email: htdung.neu@gmail.com

Nguyen Van Dai

Topic:An Investigation Into The Logic Of Artisan Product Innovation: An Institutional Logics Perspective

Supervisor: Prof.Dr. Nguyen Thi Tuyet Mai; Dr. Nguyen Quynh Hoa
Email: dainv16111989@gmail.com

Dao Minh Hoang

Topic:Determinants of intention to use Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare: An Empirical Study in Vietnam

Supervisor: Prof.Dr. Nguyen Thi Tuyet Mai
Email: hoang.md36@gmail.com

Dau Thu Huong

Topic:Sustainability mindset and subsequent eco-friendly behavioral intention: an empirical study in green cosmetics consumption

Supervisor: Assoc.Prof.Dr. Bach Ngoc Thang
Email: huongdt@ftu.edu.vn

Bui Thi Thanh Mai

Topic:Compassion and Sustainable Decision making of the Key Leaders in SMEs and Startups

Supervisor: Dr. Vu Tuan Anh
Email: thanhmai_nvl@yahoo.com

Tran Hong Nhung

Topic:The impact of immediacy and social responsibilty on student's integrity

Supervisor: Assoc.Prof.Dr. Truong Dinh Chien
Email: nhungtran1220@gmail.com

Nguyen Quynh Trang

Topic:Factors influencing Vietnamese student's intention to study a Master program

Supervisor: Assoc.Prof.Dr. Vu Huy Thong
Email: quynhtrang@neu.edu.vn

Nguyen Huu Dang Khoa

Topic:The Vietnamese consumer’s adoption behaviors toward circular economy activities

Supervisor: Assoc.Prof.Dr. Vu Huy Thong
Email: khoanhd.TG12632@neu.edu.vn

Tran Viet An

Topic:The impact of sensory marketing on Vietnamese customers' intention to return: Research at convenience store chains

Supervisor: Dr. Nguyen Thu Lan
Email: anviettranvn@gmail.com

Pham Thai Ha Anh

Topic:The influence of E-WOM (electronic Word-of-mouth) marketing on purchase intention of consumers towards sustainable/eco-friendly clothes in the context of Vietnam

Supervisor: Dr. Le Thuy Huong
Email: haanhpt9396@gmail.com

Dang Trung Chinh

Topic:Spatio-temporal dependence of corruption in Vietnam

Supervisor: Assoc.Prof. Dr. le Quang Canh
Email: dangtrungchinh95@gmail.com

Nguyen Minh Duong

Topic:Self-congruity theory and electronic word of mouth in the case of collective culture.

Supervisor: Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Vu Hung; Dr. Le Thi Thu Mai
Email: duongnm@hanu.edu.vn

Nguyen Hoang Hieu

Topic:The effect of technological change on employment: The role of labor market institutions

Supervisor: Assoc.Prof.Dr. Bach Ngoc Thang
Email: nhhieu35190@gmail.com

Luong Van Lam

Topic:Farmers' Access to and Use of Climate Information Services in the Mekong River delta, Vietnam

Supervisor: Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Cong Thanh
Email: lamluong710@gmail.com

Nguyen Dinh Son

Topic:Consumers' Purchase Intention And Behavior In Circular Economy: A Study Of Reused Smartphones In Vietnam

Supervisor: Dr. Nguyen Dinh Toan
Email: dinhsonn96@gmail.com

Nguyen Thi Thu

Topic:Social insurance participation of the domestic migrants in Vietnam

Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Giang Thanh Long
Email: thuapd@gmail.com

Tran Thu Thuy

Topic:Factor analysis of land accumulation anđ consolidation in the Northern Midlands and Mountainous, Vietnam

Supervisor: Assoc.Prof.Dr. Le Thi Bich Ngoc
Email: tranthuthuy128@gmail.com

Ho Manh Toan

Topic:Green gaming: A dual-perspective study of video game developers and players

Supervisor: Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Cong Thanh
Email: manhtoan212@gmail.com

Pham Thu Van

Topic:Does access to digital finance affect household consumption? Evidence from Vietnam’s Household survey data.

Supervisor: Dr. Vu Tuan Anh
Email: vanpthu@gmail.com

Nguyen Minh Hoa

Topic:What drives students to make complaint on social media channels?

Supervisor: Prof.Dr. Nguyen Thi Tuyet Mai
Email: minhhoa@neu.edu.vn

Nguyen Thi Thanh Hoai

Topic:Factors affecting the quality of lending service for small and medium enterprises at Joint stock Commercial banks in Nghe An province

Supervisor: Prof.Dr. Nguyen Thi Tuyet Mai
Email: thanhhoai12798@gmail.com

Ho Thi Bach Mai

Topic:Determinants of innovation capability: the role of leadership styles, knowledge sharing and digital transformation.

Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Lê Trung Thanh; Assoc.Prof.Dr. Le Ba Phong
Email: bachmaiho@gmail.com

Do Thu Trang

Topic:Ownership structure, innovation, and business performance of listed firms on Vietnamese stock exchange markets

Supervisor: Assoc.Prof.Dr Pham Duc Cuong
Email: dt.trang0812@gmail.com

Phạm Thị Bích Ngọc

Topic:A Study of the factors that influence that environmental behavior of multinational coporation (MNC) subsidiaries in Vietnam

Supervisor: Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Vu Hung
Email: bpham1002@gmail.com

Nguyễn Thị Thùy Trang

Topic:Green FDI for promotion of green growth in Vietnam

Supervisor: Assoc.Prof.Dr. Le Quang Canh
Email: thuytrang1986@gmail.com

Phạm Thị Lâm Anh

Topic:Whether ESG companies outperform non-ESG ones in high inflation periods

Supervisor: Assoc.Prof.Dr. Bach Ngoc Thang
Email: lamanh1110@gmail.com

Ngô Phương Dung

Topic:Ethical consumption behaviour in tourism in Vietnam.

Supervisor: Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Vu Hung;Dr. Le thii Thu Mai
Email: ngodung@hanu.edu.vn

Đào Mai Hương

Topic:Corporate sustainability, ESG (environmental, social and governance) and firm financial performance

Supervisor: PGS.TS. Lê Thanh Tâm PGS.TS Đào Thị Thanh Bình
Email: maihuong@hanu.edu.vn

Phạm Thị Bích Hường

Topic:Factors influencing the Vietnamese consumers’ Intention to use Mobile Payment: An extension of unified theory of acceptance and use of technology

Supervisor: Prof.Dr. Nguyen Thi Tuyet Mai
Email: huong.phambich@gmail.com

Nguyễn Thùy Linh

Topic:Financial literacy education and the effectiveness of investor protection in Vietnamese stock market

Supervisor: Dr. Duong Cong Doanh
Email: thuylinh13041994@gmail.com

Bùi Vũ Lương

Topic:Spatial effects of tourism on sustainable development in Vietnam

Supervisor: Assoc.Prof.Dr. Le Quang Canh; Dr. Nguyen Thi Quynh Trang
Email: buivuluong@gmail.com

Lưu Ánh Nguyệt

Topic:Assessing the macroeconomic effects of sovereign green bonds: A case study in Vietnam

Supervisor: Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Thanh Hieu
Email: luuanhnguyet.lan@gmail.com