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E-PhD Seminar: On Agri-environmental programs, 31 May 2023

National Economics University

E-PhD Program Seminar Series


Using experiments to gauge farmer participation in agri-environmental programs


Sven Anders

Professor, Department of Resource Economics and Environmental Sociology

University of Alberta, Canada


Time and Venue

Time: 4.00PM – 5.00PM

Date: Wednesday, May 31st, 2023

Venue: Room 501, Building A2, National Economics University

207 Giai Phong Road, Hanoi, Vietnam



Getting farmers to adopt new practices and technologies, whether motivated by the need to improve their climate resilience or to get them to produce (more) environmental goods and services remains a global challenge. Much literature has been devoted to our better understanding of a numerous financial/economic, structural, knowledge, experience, and other factors enter into individual farmers adoption decisions. In response, governments on both richer and poorer countries have devised programs (interventions) to help farmers overcome barriers.

In this project we survey 1000 large-scale commercial farmers in Western Canada to investigate whether behavioral factors (nudges) can help incentivize (crop, livestock) farmers participation intentions in soil health and/or water quality monitoring programs. Both have been identified as priority areas by agricultural policy makers, conservation, and farming groups as being important for maintaining sustainable and profitable farming into the future.

We answer this research question with the help of an survey-experimental approach and questionnaire that provide data on the farm decision-maker, farming system, location, and history of adoption of agri-environmental best management practices on four key areas: Soil, water, air, and biodiversity.

Keywords: agri-environmental & climate-mitigative production practices, adoption, behavioral factors (nudges), factorial survey experiments, Canada


About presenter

Sven Anders is a Professor in the Department of Resource Economics and Environmental Sociology at the U of Alberta in Canada. Trained as an agricultural economist his research in the field of food marketing covers topics along agri-food supply chains, quality and safety standards in commodity trade, and producer behavior on environmental issues affecting agriculture.

About series

This seminar series is part of the E-PhD Program at National Economics University. It targets PhD students, early-career researchers, and senior faculty who find interested in doing research in the areas of economics, business, management, and other inter-disciplinary fields of social science. The series is a platform for the wider research community to exchange ideas, networks and collaborations.


Contact details

Bach Ngoc Thang

Seminar series coordinator

Room 15.04, Building A1

Institute for Sustainable Development

National Economics University

207 Giai Phong Road, Hanoi, Vietnam

M: +84 35 443 1750

E:  bnthang@gmail.com, or thangbn@neu.edu.vn

W: http://isd.neu.edu.vn/