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E-PhD Seminar at NEU

National Economics University

E-PhD Program Seminar Series

Intertemporal preference and income redistribution


Trung Vu

Loughborough University, UK

Time and Venue

Time: 4.00PM – 5.00PM

Date: Friday, 28 June 2024

Venue: Room 15.01, Level 15, Building A1, National Economics University

207 Giai Phong Road, Hanoi, Vietnam


This study proposes that cultural traits of long-term orientation are conducive to egalitarian income redistribution due to the inherent intertemporal nature of redistributive choices. It documents evidence suggesting that patience is positively associated with effective fiscal redistribution and public support for redistributive policies across countries. Based on variations across individuals residing in the same country but descending from different prehistorically indigenous ethnic groups, subnational evidence indicates that descendants of pre-industrial societies with exogenous agroclimatic characteristics conducive for cultural traits of long-term orientation tend to exhibit positive attitudes towards government redistribution. Results derived from comparing second-generation migrants characterized by exposure to common institutional and economic setting but diverse parental backgrounds lend support to the culturally embodied, intergenerationally transmitted impact of patience on redistributive preferences. Policymakers are therefore advised to consider the importance of time preference for establishing egalitarian income redistribution.

About presenter

Trung is a Vietnamese economist with expertise in development economics, political economy, and applied econometrics. He joined Loughborough University as a Lecturer in Economics in 2022, having previously completed a PhD in Economics at the University of Otago.

Trung’s research interests are mainly in the area of empirical modelling of economic growth and development. His current research examines the fundamental determinants of comparative development, focusing on the role of deep-rooted institutional, cultural and human characteristics.

Trung has published articles in Oxford Economic Papers, Economics Letters, Kyklos, Health Economics, Land Economics, Energy Economics, Social Science & Medicine, and other journals. His research has featured in LSE Business Review, Harvard Kennedy School’s The Journalist’s Resource, and The Marginal Revolution.

Website: https://sites.google.com/view/trungvuecons/home

About series

This seminar series is part of the E-PhD Program at National Economics University. It targets PhD students, early-career researchers, and senior faculty who find interested in doing research in the areas of economics, business, management, and other inter-disciplinary fields of social science. The series is a platform for the wider research community to exchange ideas, networks and collaborations.

Contact details

Bach Ngoc Thang

Seminar series coordinator

Room 15.04, Building A1

Institute for Sustainable Development

National Economics University

207 Giai Phong Road, Hanoi, Vietnam

M: +84 35 443 1750

E:  bnthang@gmail.com, or thangbn@neu.edu.vn

W: http://isd.neu.edu.vn/