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Nghiên cứu sinh Nguyễn Văn Đại bảo vệ luận án tiến sĩ

Vào 15h00 ngày 30/10/2023 tại P501 Nhà A2, Trường Đại học Kinh tế Quốc dân tổ chức lễ bảo vệ luận án tiến sĩ cho NCS Nguyễn Văn Đại, chuyên ngành Quản trị kinh doanh bằng tiếng Anh, với đề tài: An investigation into the logic of artisan product innovation: An institutional logics perspective.

Dissertation title: An investigation into the logic of artisan product innovation: An institutional logics perspective
Specialization: BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION (E-PhD Program)      Specialization code: 9340101
PhD candidate: Nguyen Van Dai          
Supervisor: Prof.Dr. Nguyen Thi Tuyet Mai, Dr. Nguyen Quynh Hoa 

Original contributions on academic and theoretical aspects

The current study helps expand the institutional logics perspective in different dimensions. First, a new response to logics that has been conceptualized as Core-Satellite has extended the multiplicity of responses suggested by the current institutional theorists. This can be considered a new behavior of agents when coping with different logics at the same time. This study has provided a nuanced explanation for the relationship between logics. In this regard, logics can have a blended relationship. Different attributes of logics compete with each other while others show a synergistic relation. Further, the engagement of counter-institutional identities in the analysis of institutional logics. Previous studies often situated identity in a position independent from an institutional context. However, this study has successfully put counter-institutional identity in the right place from an institutional logics perspective. Moreover, the proposed framework presents a multi-layered connection in which artisan product innovation occurs. The proposed framework that intertwines logics, counter-institutional identity, and product innovation provides a new approach to firm-level practices in innovation. Finally, the triangulation of different data sources based on 5 groups of participants and historical data gives a fertile ground for qualitative analysis.

Recommendations derived from the findings of the dissertation

First, Core-Satellite, a newly found strategic response in this study, recommends that artisan businesses should come up with the idea that they can separate product lines as well as production sites. That helps artisan businesses avoid unexpected reactions from institutional referents, particularly customers. Second, this study also found the existence of a new relationship between logics and conceptualized it as ‘blended’. This finding suggests that the government should get involved in the institutional environment as one of the key actors who helps relax the institutional demands. In so doing, the government should not only continue the philosophy of ‘Preservation for development, Development for preservation’, but also support artisan associations to spread an entrepreneurial mindset for their members. Third, participation in business groups is beneficial for artisan business owners because it gives rise to their entrepreneurial mindset.